What Is Cloud Web Hosting? Is it Better Than Shared Hosting?

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What is Cloud Hosting? Is it better than shared hosting? These are the two most common questions of a new webmaster and blogger.

Today we will explain what is cloud web hosting. How cloud web hosting is different from shared hosting. Finally a list of the best cloud web hosting providers.

If your website just started getting a high amount of traffic and it seems slow. The common reason behind this slowness is your shared hosting service. Cloud web hosting service is the best solution to handle the increased traffic.

You always have a choice to migrate your site to a better web hosting like Chemicloud. You can also try to optimize your website speed. As a long term solution, you must move your site to Cloud web hosting.

What Is Cloud Web Hosting?
What Is Cloud Web Hosting?

What Is Cloud Web Hosting?

Cloud Web Hosting is an efficient way of hosting a small or large website on distributed multiple servers. In Cloud Hosting a website, uses resources like Storage, CPU, Bandwidth, from multiple servers instead of a single server. This way cloud web hosting offers a secure and reliable web hosting platform.

How Does Cloud Web Hosting Works?

Now, let us understand how cloud web hosting works. First, let us discuss how shared hosting works so that understanding cloud hosting would be easy.

In shared web hosting, multiple websites are hosted on a single server. It means multiple websites uses the server’s resources like Storage, CPU, RAM, and Bandwidth.

In cloud web hosting, when you host a website all site contents are distributed on multiple servers. Similiary your website uses resources like CPU, memory, storage and bandwidth of multiple servers instead of a singles server.

Benefits Of Cloud Web Hosting

There are a lot of cloud hosting benefits over traditional shared hosting. Cloud web hosting is becoming a popular hosting method because of its excellent benefits.

Let us discuss some important benefits of cloud web hosting.

High Performance

Cloud hosting provides high performance as multiple servers are used to host a single website. If one server is overloaded than other servers provide resources to your website to maintain high performance.

Unlimited Storage

Cloud hosting provides unlimited storage as you can store your data on multiple servers. Cloud hosting is best for a website that generates a lot of content. If you are using pre-load caching then you must choose cloud hosting.

Unlimited Bandwidth

Network bandwidth means the total amount of internet data your website uses. Cloud hosting provides unlimited bandwidth. You should choose cloud hosting if unlimited upload and download happen on your website.

Excellent Reliability

If reliability is your preference then you must choose cloud hosting. Cloud hosting provides a reliable network of multiple servers. If one server is down your website is still accessible from other servers.

Unlimited Inodes

An inode is the total number of files you can store on your website server. Every shared hosting plan has a limited number of Inodes. You cannot store extra files once you reach a certain amount of inode threshold.

An advantage of cloud hosting is that it provides unlimited Inodes. You can store unlimited files on your web server.

High Security

Cloud hosting provides high security because your website’s data is distributed on multiple servers. Cloud hosting provides better security than any other hosting plans.

Flexible Pricing

Cloud hosting providers have flexible pricing plans. Usually, cloud hosting plans start at $5 to $100. Popular cloud hosting company like AWS and Azure has a pay as you use cloud hosting plans.

Now hosting a website on AWS and Azure is difficult for a new blogger. We strongly suggest using a managed cloud web hosting service. You can easily create a website using cloud web hosting services.

Best Cloud Web Hosting Providers

Almost every hosting provider offers cloud web hosting plans. Some web hosting companies are best known for cloud web hosting only. We did our thorough research and finalize the best cloud web hosting providers for our readers.


Resellerclub is one of the best cloud web hosting provider for its ultra-fast cloud hosting plans. Resellersclub is especially known for its cheapest cloud hosting plans.

Resellersclub cloud hosting price starts at $5.49/month. All web hosting plans include free SSL, unlimited storage and bandwidth. It also offers a 45% discount with 30 days of money back guaranty.

Resellerclub Cloud Hosting Plans
Resellerclub Cloud Hosting Plans


TMDHosting offers fully managed cloud hosting services at affordable prices. TMDHosting cloud web hosting plans start at $5.95 per month with 60 days of money back guaranty.

Cheap cloud hosting prices, free domain, and a 40% discount makes it a better cloud hosting provider.

TMDHosting Cloud Hosting Plans And Price
TMDHosting Cloud Web Hosting Plans And Price

Hostgator Cloud Hosting

Hostgator is one of the oldest, popular, and reputed web hosting company. Recently Hostgator has introduced affordable cloud hosting plans with exciting offers.

Hostgator’s basic cloud hosting plans start from $4.95 per month if you choose 3 years of hosting services. It includes a free domain registration for one year and a free SSL certificate.

Additionally, you can use a HostGator coupon code to get a heavy discount on all services. Click on the below button to avail the offer.

Hostgator Cheap Cloud Web Hosting Plans
Hostgator Cheap Cloud Web Hosting Plans


Bluehost is well known for its best web hosting services at an affordable price. Bluehost is an officially recommended hosting company by wordpress.org. If you want to have a WordPress website then Bluehost should be your first choice.

Bluehost cloud web hosting is also known as VPS Hosting. Bluehost is a little bit expensive but best for large websites. Bluehost cloud hosting starts at $19.99 per month while purchasing for 3 Years.

Bluehost cloud web hosting includes free SSL, a free domain name for one year and 30 days of money back guaranty.

Bluehost Cloud Web Hosting-Plans
Bluehost Cloud Web Hosting-Plans

Is Cloud Hosting Better Than Shared Hosting?

Cloud web hosting is better than shared hosting due to its ability to handle large traffic with improved security and reliability. Cloud web hosting gives unlimited resources such as bandwidth, CPU, and Storage which makes it a better web hosting than shared hosting.

Shared hosting is cost-effective and popular among new webmasters and bloggers. In Shared hosting, a single server’s resources are shared between multiples websites.

Cloud Web HostingShared Web Hosting
High SecurityLow Security
High PerformanceLow Performance
Unlimited StorageLimited Storage
Unlimited InodesLimited Inodes
Multiple Server ResourcesSingle Server Resources

Why Should I Choose Cloud Web Hosting?

You should cloud web hosting when your website has high traffic. If your website has a small number of visitors and can run with fewer resources then shared hosting is best.

We strongly recommend Siteground or Chemicloud for shared hosting plans.

You should choose Cloud Web Hosting for the following reasons.

  1. You need high security
  2. High performance.
  3. You need good reliability
  4. Need Unlimited Resources
  5. Unlimited Storage
  6. Unlimited Inodes
  7. Your website has high traffic
  8. Current hosting is unable to handle traffic


Cloud hosting a better alternative of shared hosting. It is suitable for small, medium and large websites. Cloud Hosting providers like Hostgator, TMDHosting, and Resellerclub has an affordable price for a new blogger.

We strongly suggest to all webmasters and bloggers to choose web hosting.

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