How To Install WordPress Plugins Manually

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How to install WordPress plugins manually? If you have just installed WordPress on your site. Now, if you want to know how to install a plugin in WordPress, then this blog is for you. Here you will learn detailed and various ways to install WordPress plugins manually.

You can follow other blogs of Techie Blogging on WordPress and Theme installation tutorials.

What is WordPress Plugin

WordPress plugins are building blocks of a WordPress site. These are a bunch of code which is written by developers that perform specific tasks on your WordPress site.

For example, if you want to add a user membership feature to your website, then you need a membership plugin for WordPress. In another case, if you are going to optimize your blog for search engines, then you need a WordPress plugin for SEO.

Various Ways To Install WordPress Plugins

Now we will learn how to install WordPress plugins manually. There are two ways to install plugins in WordPress manually. First, you can search for a plugin in the WordPress plugin directory and then install it. Second, you can upload a plugin manually to the WordPress site and then install it.

Install Plugin From WordPress Plugin Directory

The simple way to install plugins in WordPress is to search for it in the WordPress plugin directory and then install it.

Step 1 – Search WordPress Plugin

To search the WordPress plugin, go to the WordPress dashboard. In the right-hand navigation bar, click on Plugins and then Add New.

If you are unable to see the Plugins option on your website, then you may be using free WordPress. You need to buy a hosting service and install WordPress in it. We suggest you consider ChemiCloud which provides huge discounts and a free domain.

Install WordPress Plugins Manually
Install WordPress Plugins Manually

Now on the left-hand side, you will find a search bar. Type your plugin name there to see the list of plugins. For example, I have searched a WordPress plugin for SEO called RankMath.

Search A Plugin In WordPress
Search A Plugin In WordPress

Step 2. Install And Activate Plugins In WordPress

Once you find your plugin in the search result, click on the Install button. Plugin installation will start, and within a few seconds, it will complete. Now you will see an Activate button. Now click on the Activate button

Activate a WordPress Plugin
Activate a WordPress Plugin

The activation process will start, and if it is successful, you will see the message Plugin Activated. You can see the plugin at the left-hand navigation bar. Sometimes some WordPress plugins are visible under Settings.

Upload WordPress Plugin And Install

Some WordPress plugins are not there in the plugin directory. In that case, you can upload the plugin file in WordPress and then install it manually. First, you need to download the WordPress plugin file to your local computer.

We will use another example of a WordPress plugin for SEO called Yoast. You can download the plugin’s zip file from here.

Step 1. Upload WordPress Plugin Manually

How To Upload A Plugin In WordPress
Upload WordPress Plugin

Once you download the plugin to your computer. Go to the WordPress dashboard and click on Plugins and then Add New button. Now at the top, click the button called Upload Plugin.

Now click on Choose File and browse the path where the Plugin zip file is stored. Select the zip file and then click on the install button. Do not extract the zip. You only have to select the zip file.

How To Install A Plugin In WordPress Manually By Uploading ZIP file
How To Install A Plugin In WordPress Manually By Uploading

Step 2. Activate WordPress Plugin Manually

Once you click on install now, the installation process will start. After a few seconds, if everything goes fine, you will see the below message. At this point, we have only installed a WordPress plugin manually.

im Activate Plugin
im Activated Plugin

Now the final step is to click on the Activate Plugin button. Once the activation process is complete, you will see a message Plugin Activate.

In this way, you can install any WordPress plugins in the WordPress site.

Video Tutorial Install WordPress Plugins

Video Tutorials are a more efficient method of learning. Hence let’s watch a YouTube video on how to install a plugin on the WordPress site.

YouTube Tutorial How To Install WordPress

Best Essential WordPress Plugins

Though there are many essential WordPress plugins. Below are some most crucial plugins for your WordPress site. You can follow the same process to install any of these WordPress plugins.

  • WordPress Plugin For SEO.
  • WordPress Plugins To Increase Website Performance.
  • Cache Plugin For WordPress.
  • WordPress Backup And Restore Plugin.


For every easy or complicated feature, you need to install WordPress plugins on the WordPress site. Hence installing a plugin is a must if you are using a WordPress site. We have discussed two ways to install WordPress plugins.

I must say you should install the necessary WordPress plugins. Installing too many unnecessary plugins may break or slow your site.

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