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Use the online tool to convert the Google Drive link to a direct download link for free. Using the direct link anyone can directly download a Google Drive file without going to the share page. Please note you must provide a valid GDrive link, for the converter to work properly.
Google Workspace Doc Direct Download Link
Google Spreadsheets Direct Download Link Generator
Google Slides Direct Download Link
How To Get Google Drive Link To Generate Direct Download Link
Getting a file link from Google Drive is easy, just follow the steps below to get the sharable link. The direct download link generator works for both restricted and public files. However, the download link for restricted files works only for those users, who are logged in to their Google account and have proper permissions.
Checkout OneDrive Link Generator
On the other hand, anyone can download a public file. Hence, you must allow view permission to everyone to get the direct download link for the public.
Step 1. Login to your Google Drive account.
Step 2. Upload the file for which you want a direct download link.
Step 3. Right Click on the file and click on Share.
Step 4. At the bottom click on the option “Change to anyone with the link.”

Step 5. Click on the button copy link.

How To Convert Google Drive Link To Direct Download Link
First, get the shareable link of the file by following the above process. Once you have the shareable link, paste it under the input box called “Google Drive Share Link”.
Now, the online converter automatically generates a direct download link, of the Google Drive share link. Click on the copy button, to copy the download link to the clipboard.

Open any browser and paste the download link and press the Enter Key. The file will be automatically, downloaded to your local system.
Why Do You Need a Direct Download Link For Google Drive?
Whenever you need access to the Google Drive file, you must log in to your Google account. If you do not want to log in frequently, then a direct download link is a better option. You can download the file and use it offline whenever you need it.
Many bloggers use Google Drive to store downloadable content. Now with the share link, the visitors have to go to a different page, log in to their Google account, and then they can download the file. From an SEO point of view, it’s a bad user experience.
Hence, any blogger can use this tool to generate a direct download link and integrate it with their blog or website.
If you use powerful cloud hosting like CloudWays, then you won’t have to go through all these troubles. Their hosting is powerful enough to provide enough bandwidth for downloads.
How To Get Download Links For Google Drive Files?
You can use an online converter, just paste the share link of the google drive file and it will generate a direct download link for you.
Can I generate a direct download link for Google PowerPoint?
Unfortunately, you can not create a direct download link for Google Sheets, Docs, and ppt. However, we will add them in case they are available in the future.
What is the maximum size for a Google Drive file to get a download link?
There is no such limitation, however, if the file size is more than 100MB, it will ask for confirmation.
Our online converter can convert any Google Drive link to a direct download link for free. Direct download links can be helpful to share with anyone offline. Moreover, it gives an advantage to bloggers to embed a download link free of cost.
Let us know if you feel, there is a chance of adding a few more features to the converter and we can try implement that.
Enjoy converting Google Drive Link to Direct Download link for free and unlimited times.